Math riddles and guessing games for kids, with answers

Do you like puzzles involving numbers and doing calculations? We're going to have some fun with a selection of fun math riddles with answers included, to do during your free time.

Solve maths puzzles for kids, both easy and difficult

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If two's company, and three's a crowd, what are four and five?

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What is the difference between a dollar and a half and thirty five-cents.

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How many times can you subtract five from twentyfive?

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In an odd little town, there was an odd little stream, WIth odd little fish in an odd little team. A stranger approached a local fisherman, And asked him how much his odd little fish weighed. The odd little man replied: All the fish in this stream weigh exactly 1/2 of a pound plus 1/2 of a fish. Isn't that odd? How many pounds does an odd little fish weigh?

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If seven people meet each other and each shakes hands only once with each of the others, how many handshakes will there have been?

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Maths puzzles with answers to exercise the mind

Have fun solving math brain teasers for elementary school children

Math riddles  with answers for kids

There are many math riddles for kids to enjoy; some are easier, and others require a greater degree of concentration to solve, but the satisfaction of figuring them out is that much greater.

All the maths riddles we have for you come with two buttons, to get a clue, or for the answer. But don't cheat. Think a bit about the answer before making use of either of these two buttons.

You can play at finding the solutions to math brain teasers in the company of a family member or friend, to see who gets the right answer first, as a competition; or enjoy them just to disconnect and distract yourself, in solitude.

Maths riddles with answers are great to stimulate children's minds. With them they learn to associate concepts, lateral thinking, and concentration, among many other benefits, which you can appreciate for yourself by playing.

As we said, after reflecting for as long as you need on the solutions to the mathematical riddles, you can check your answers, and later continue to play by figuring out games with answers on other subjects, or by trying other activities, such as tongue twisters, or crafts, with which also you will have a lot of fun

Come on! Check now how cool it is to solve maths puzzles for kids, and share them later with other friends! Awaken your passion for mathematics while having fun. You're sure to love them and their many benefits! It's time to do simple maths puzzles with answers and have fun at the same time! Are you up for it?

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